Friday, December 4, 2009

Are the Lakers ready to move Bynum?

For those who don't know, the Los Angeles Lakers just signed free agent Larry Turner. Turner is a 6'11", 240 pound center that played for the Lakers during this years summer league.

It seems like the Lakers are preparing themselves for a trade that will most likely include their other young center Andrew Bynum.

Anybody else think so?

Are the Lakers ready to move Bynum?nba sports

Most likely it's a non guaranteed contract. I believe that the contract that the Lakers gave Coby Carl is also non guaranteed. This just gives the Lakers the option to bring some guys to camp, throw some cash at them, and see if there is anyone that stands out in camp. The Lakers have only one spot open, they can decide that they don't like either of them, and not opt to keep either for the season. So it does not necessarily mean there is a trade in the works, but could mean something. I'm going to keep my ear to the ground, and wait to hear something a bit more definite. Until then, we should just anticipate see Andrew in a Laker's uniform.

Are the Lakers ready to move Bynum?basketball players ,nba teams

no, like always people miss the point. The Lakers have always been successful when they had a dominant center, period. When is the last time you have ever heard of a Laker team win a championship with a loud mouth, overrated, rapist, azzhole shooting guard. Keep Bynum get rid of Kobe.
I hope so if it ends up bringing Jermaine to LA...what we should have done was trade for Kidd straight up.
yes, they are moving bynum and kobe to miami for

I think Bynum is about all LA has for their future. e is a good player. Kobe riped on the wrong man and it was one of the worst mistakes of Kobes career and demolised his role as a good teammate and a leader. Bynum is still one of the premier centers in the league. He could be good trading bait and they need to see how Turner does first because Bynum can still play as a backup and produce where people are going to know how good he is. I believe in Bynum more than almost any young center in the league. They need to trade Kobe and rebuild.
i think so
We do not need to get rid off Bynum he is going to step up this year moving him will be a mistake.... The Lakers will not get rid of him, Kobe should understand when he came into the league he did not blow up right away, it took him between 2-3 before he really jump to the next level.
I do not think the Lakers are ready to move Bynum because he was a first round pick, and nobody has ever heard of Larry Turner, so I think Bynum is staying.
Yeah trade his noob a$$.
let's hope so
no way Andrew Bynum has too much potential. He is gonna be very explosive in the next 2 years so watch out.

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